May Round Up

May kicked off with a trip to the General Collective market. It was such a good day out it turns out that this is the only photo I took on the day. Must remember to take better/more photos next time!

I've been spending May house hunting, and have come across a few listings featuring my artwork!

I've worked through a few custom pieces this month. The two dog portraits I discussed earlier this month here...

 ... as well as this really cute custom piece for an upcoming wedding. This is just a snippet as the wedding hasn't yet happened, but these line drawings represent the bride & groom's home countries - so sweet!

And lastly, a little crab to complete a Finnish version of the alphabet cards! The crab represented the letter Ä for Äyriäinen (crustacean). We also added a card in for the letter Ö using a Ötökkä (insect or bug). 


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