August 31, 2021
August round up
August started strong with a trip to the General Collective market but it was straight into a level-4 lockdown afterwards. It's meant more time in the studio but lockdowns aren't a great companion to creativity, so it's been a funny month.

Thank you so much to all who visited me at the General Collective market. I had so much fun meeting so many of you guys; one of the best parts of my job is being able to connect with you in person. 💛

I've added some new items to the shop. A new print, Rainbow Fields, as some favourite originals paintings, including a few framed pieces.
I don't always find it easy to part with originals but I'm quickly running out of space and artwork is piling up... there is a lot of art in my studio. Like A LOT. It's time for me to let them go forth into the world and find new homes!
I've been finding peaceful moments in my studio, finishing up my new landscape collection. The release has been pushed back a few weeks into September, but they will be launching soon.