Summer break

Summer break has come and gone in what feels like a heartbeat, but before I let go of those sun-soaked days completely, let’s take a moment to look back on the break that was...

Just in time for Christmas, my jacaranda tree burst into bloom, putting on its best show of the year
I finally conquered the Pinnacles Track—only managed to twist my ankle twice along the way.
I planted sunflower seeds a few months ago, and while only three of the ten decided to stick around, I’m still counting it as a win. They never fail to make me smile when I pull into the driveway and see them blooming.

A fantastic summer read that had me dreaming of packing up my things and moving to Italy.
Instead, I spent my time exploring the beaches along Āwhitu Peninsula.
An Airbnb guest brought back the most beautiful flowers from a wedding, and I couldn’t help but feel a little sad when they left.
Early morning walks around the local estuary never disappoint.
And countless days spent swimming here.

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