September recap
Another month of lockdown living and I've been getting back into a productive mindset, with a side of naps and dog cuddles.
I worked with a client on Etsy on a fun project to create a colouring-in poster for their wedding in January. They're getting married in a bird sanctuary so we created a piece featuring the beloved New Zealand birds.
I took the time to paint a scene from a trip to the beach with dogs from a few summers ago. Why does seeing my dogs so happy make me so happy? It really does.
I've been continuing my landscape paintings, moving away from framed canvas and experimenting with sheets of paper and canvas. I'm so happy with how the canvas paintings have turned out; I love the texture of the mix of canvas and acrylics paints; it's so much richer than painting onto paper.
A little mouse named Trickster that I drew for my niece. She's been writing a story about his adventures where he's a very snappy dresser and has a passion for fashion. Very cute!
I discovered Bookety Book Books this month. Why was I not aware of them earlier? I love their book selections, there are so many good reads and my wishlist is looking very robust! Plus the packaging is so pretty - I love!
Both Pip and Lily have joined me for naps while reading too which is just the icing on the cake.