The pandemic & creativity

The pandemic & creativity

It’s an understatement to say that the pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives, but recently I’ve been looking back and taking note of its effe...

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August round up

August round up

August started strong with a trip to the General Collective market but it was straight into a level-4 lockdown afterwards. It's meant more time in ...

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July Round Up

July Round Up

It's been a busy month! I've been squirrelling away jumping from project to project all month, working on my landscape collection and commercial pr...

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June 2021 Round up

June 2021 Round up

June started with a trip south to the Lake Hāwea. The beautiful landscapes lead to new inspiration and an unexpected dip into acrylic paints.   ...

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Pair-fectly Cute Pairs

Pair-fectly Cute Pairs

Some prints come up in together in orders again and again. Here's some of my favourite print combos and why I love seeing them together.

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Greenhouse dreaming

Greenhouse dreaming

If you keep up with me on Pinterest, you’re might have noticed recently that I'm a big fan of greenhouses. I'm in love with the delicate architectu...

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